Dave Farber
2018-06-26 02:33:55 UTC
Date: June 26, 2018 at 11:25:21 GMT+9
Subject: Re: [IP] Launch your own wireless ISP for $25K, says startup Necto
Alas, margins in the broadband business, especially for small providers, are slim. Inject a middleman such as this company into the mix, and it is likely to siphon off all of the profits - perhaps even make it unprofitable. So, if this sounds too good to be true, it's because - alas! - it is.
--Brett Glass
-------------------------------------------Subject: Re: [IP] Launch your own wireless ISP for $25K, says startup Necto
Alas, margins in the broadband business, especially for small providers, are slim. Inject a middleman such as this company into the mix, and it is likely to siphon off all of the profits - perhaps even make it unprofitable. So, if this sounds too good to be true, it's because - alas! - it is.
--Brett Glass
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