Dave Farber
2018-10-26 02:27:14 UTC
Subject: Re: [IP] Richard Hill â Too Big to Be (Review of Wu, The Curse of Bigness: Antitrust in the New Gilded Age) | boundary 2
Date: October 26, 2018 at 11:14:58 AM GMT+9
For IP if you wish.
This review, and this book, and all of the anti-trust blather, ignore the fundamental problem. It's the very idea of corporations/LLCs/LLPs, etc. as a shield against liability, along with the concept of corporate entities as persons.
Without those, we wouldn't have the huge entities that engulf and devour. and wreak so much consternation and havoc.
Some will splutter about the great things that they bring, but I think the time is long past to recognize the costs that come with it, and to reconsider whether they are a net good.
-------------------------------------------Date: October 26, 2018 at 11:14:58 AM GMT+9
For IP if you wish.
This review, and this book, and all of the anti-trust blather, ignore the fundamental problem. It's the very idea of corporations/LLCs/LLPs, etc. as a shield against liability, along with the concept of corporate entities as persons.
Without those, we wouldn't have the huge entities that engulf and devour. and wreak so much consternation and havoc.
Some will splutter about the great things that they bring, but I think the time is long past to recognize the costs that come with it, and to reconsider whether they are a net good.
http://www.boundary2.org/2018/10/richard-hill-too-big-to-be-review-of-wu-the-curse-of-bigness-antitrust-in-the-new-gilded-age/ <http://www.boundary2.org/2018/10/richard-hill-too-big-to-be-review-of-wu-the-curse-of-bigness-antitrust-in-the-new-gilded-age/>
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