[IP] Apple launches privacy website that reveals EXACTLY what the firm knows about you - here's how to download your data
2018-10-17 19:33:47 UTC
Date: October 18, 2018 at 3:57:04 AM GMT+9
Subject: IS: Apple launches privacy website that reveals EXACTLY what the firm knows about you - here's how to download your data
Apple launches privacy website that reveals EXACTLY what the firm knows about you - here's how to download your data
Apple now lets users download any data the iPhone maker has collected on them.
On Wednesday, Apple launched a dedicated privacy portal [https://privacy.apple.com/account] for US users that lets them request a copy of their data, correct any errors and pause or delete their Apple account.
It follows the launch of a privacy portal for European users in May, as part of Apple's compliance with the new General Data Protection Regulation rules, which require firms to have a data portability tool, among other things to protect users and their data...
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