[IP] re If Silicon Valley won't stop fake news, we will
Dave Farber
2018-08-03 01:35:12 UTC
Date: August 3, 2018 at 09:52:07 GMT+9
Subject: Re: [IP] If Silicon Valley won't stop fake news, we will
(for IP, if you wish)
When we hear that the Russians have been using Facebook custom audience
tools to target adverts that have illegally sought to interfere in the
elections of other countries, we have to take notice, particularly when
the company itself initially failed to spot it.
This is a very generous rendition of the facts. It would be more accurate
to say that the company *claims* that the failed to spot it....a claim that
is very difficult to believe.
To explain: Facebook is in the surveillance and data acquisition business.
All the groups and messages and cat pictures and everything else aren't
part of that: they're just the lures used to tempt people into handing
over their data (and metadata). The core of Facebook is data, they've
spent billions on it, and they have an army of people working on it.
And yet, somehow, we're supposed to believe that they all completely
missed what turned out to be obvious to individual outsiders working
with on their own with no budget at all. That's an astonishing claim.
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