[IP] Hard Questions: Who Reviews Objectionable Content on Facebook -- And Is the Company Doing Enough to Support Them?
Dave Farber
2018-07-27 04:03:53 UTC
Date: July 27, 2018 at 13:00:49 GMT+9
Subject: [ NNSquad ] Hard Questions: Who Reviews Objectionable Content on Facebook -- And Is the Company Doing Enough to Support Them?
Hard Questions: Who Reviews Objectionable Content on Facebook -- And
Is the Company Doing Enough to Support Them?
We've talked a lot recently about these standards and our use
of AI for enforcement. But we haven't shared much about our
reviewers. This is partly for safety reasons. As we saw with
the horrific shooting at YouTube's headquarters earlier this
year, content reviewers are subject to real danger that makes
us wary of sharing too many details about where these teams
are located or the identities of the people who review. The
day-to-day challenges our reviewers face and the obscurity of
their work often leads to confusion about what our reviewers
actually do and whether they're safe doing it. And in recent
weeks, more people have been asking about where we draw the
line for what's allowed on Facebook and whether our content
reviewers are capable of applying these standards in a fair,
consistent manner around the world. This post is an attempt to
dispel the mystery - to talk about how the process works, how
we train reviewers and how we enforce our standards
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