Dave Farber
2018-09-15 04:09:46 UTC
Date: September 15, 2018 at 12:39:56 GMT+9
Subject: Re: [IP] U.S. official: Canadian marijuana users, workers and investors risk lifetime border ban
(for IP, natch)
A few points are worth adding here.
The $585 ban waiver fee is, I assume, just the portion payable to
Uncle Sam. If that's the case, it's safe to assume that having a
specialist (i.e.lawyer) prepare the application will be a significant
additional cost. Plus, that doesn't get you a lifetime waiver of a
lifetime ban - it's only good for a year.
Are you an investor in any marijuana-related enterprise? It's quite
possible that one can't honestly answer that question. In the last
couple of years the rise of well-financed big-league pot growers in
Canada has been meteoric, as in: There are publicly-traded canuck
companies (e.g. Canopy and Aurora) *now* operating that have
multi-BILLION-dollar market caps, and it's still a month before the
legalization kicks in. (There has, of course, been a busy medical-
prescription market in operation for years.) Regardless of how
severely overvalued these companies are - and most think there
will be a significant shakeout in the next 18 months - the present
valuations make them very attractive stocks for mutual funds. So
if you have money in such funds, the answer to "Have you invested
in any marijuana-related enterprise" could be "I don't know."
Then, of course, there's the dysfunction that's going to occur along
the world's longest undefended border. Pot: Legal in Washington
State, legal (in a few weeks) in British Columbia, but a criminal
offense to carry your legally-permitted personal quantity in *either*
direction over the border between (the Canadian legislation does
not allow for the importation of any quantity for personal use). And
Vermont is legal now too, no? If so, same situation between there
and Quebec.
Unfortunately, this isn't going to get better anytime soon. Even
after SCROTUS is impeached, does anyone think that the present
veep is going to take the progressive road? I think not, and that, if
anything, visions of Reefer Madness dance in his head.
-------------------------------------------Subject: Re: [IP] U.S. official: Canadian marijuana users, workers and investors risk lifetime border ban
(for IP, natch)
A few points are worth adding here.
The $585 ban waiver fee is, I assume, just the portion payable to
Uncle Sam. If that's the case, it's safe to assume that having a
specialist (i.e.lawyer) prepare the application will be a significant
additional cost. Plus, that doesn't get you a lifetime waiver of a
lifetime ban - it's only good for a year.
Are you an investor in any marijuana-related enterprise? It's quite
possible that one can't honestly answer that question. In the last
couple of years the rise of well-financed big-league pot growers in
Canada has been meteoric, as in: There are publicly-traded canuck
companies (e.g. Canopy and Aurora) *now* operating that have
multi-BILLION-dollar market caps, and it's still a month before the
legalization kicks in. (There has, of course, been a busy medical-
prescription market in operation for years.) Regardless of how
severely overvalued these companies are - and most think there
will be a significant shakeout in the next 18 months - the present
valuations make them very attractive stocks for mutual funds. So
if you have money in such funds, the answer to "Have you invested
in any marijuana-related enterprise" could be "I don't know."
Then, of course, there's the dysfunction that's going to occur along
the world's longest undefended border. Pot: Legal in Washington
State, legal (in a few weeks) in British Columbia, but a criminal
offense to carry your legally-permitted personal quantity in *either*
direction over the border between (the Canadian legislation does
not allow for the importation of any quantity for personal use). And
Vermont is legal now too, no? If so, same situation between there
and Quebec.
Unfortunately, this isn't going to get better anytime soon. Even
after SCROTUS is impeached, does anyone think that the present
veep is going to take the progressive road? I think not, and that, if
anything, visions of Reefer Madness dance in his head.
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