[IP] CACM article on the non-code aspects of cybersecurity
Dave Farber
2018-10-20 19:32:46 UTC
Date: October 20, 2018 at 10:00:13 PM GMT+9
Subject: CACM article on the non-code aspects of cybersecurity
Perhaps for IP.
This month the Communications of the ACM published my column “A Pedagogic Cybersecurity Framework: A Proposal for Teaching the Organizational, Legal, and International Aspects of Cybersecurity.”
“Real” cybersecurity devotes enormous effort to non-code vulnerabilities and responses. The Cybersecurity Workforce Framework of the National Initiative for Cybersecurity Education lists 33 specialty areas for cybersecurity jobs. Ten of the specialty areas primarily involve coding, but more than half primarily involve non-code work (15 areas, in my estimate) or are mixed (eight areas, per my assessment).
This column proposes a Pedagogic Cybersecurity Framework (PCF) for categorizing and teaching the jumble of non-code yet vital cybersecurity topics.
The PCF includes a 3x3 matrix to categorize the types of non-code cybersecurity issues that have large impacts on the overall ecosystem of cybersecurity. The PCF is designed to be useful to teachers, researchers, and practitioners of cybersecurity who face non-code risks and mitigations.
CACM: https://cacm.acm.org/magazines/2018/10/231364-a-pedagogic-cybersecurity-framework/fulltext
A nicer pdf version: http://peterswire.net/wp-content/uploads/Pedagogic-cybersecurity-framework.pdf
Prof. Peter Swire
Elizabeth & Tommy Holder Chair of Law and Ethics
Scheller College of Business
Georgia Institute of Technology
Associate Director for Policy
Institute for Information Security and Privacy
Georgia Institute of Technology
Ph: (240) 994-4142
Web: www.peterswire.net
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