[IP] Los Angeles Is First in US to Install Subway Body Scanners
Dave Farber
2018-08-15 04:08:38 UTC
Subject: [ NNSquad ] [I predict a fiasco.] Los Angeles Is First in US to Install Subway Body Scanners
Date: August 15, 2018 at 10:30:38 AM GMT+9
[I predict a fiasco.] Los Angeles Is First in US to Install Subway
Body Scanners
Los Angeles' subway will become the first mass transit system
in the U.S. to install body scanners that screen passengers
for weapons and explosives, officials said Tuesday. The
deployment of the portable scanners, which project waves to do
full-body screenings of passengers walking through a station
without slowing them down, will happen in the coming months,
said Alex Wiggins, who runs the Los Angeles County
Metropolitan Transportation Authority's law enforcement
division. The machines scan for metallic and non-metallic
objects on a person's body, can detect suspicious items from
30 feet (9 meters) away and have the capability of scanning
more than 2,000 passengers per hour.
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