Dave Farber
2018-07-06 07:59:32 UTC
Date: July 6, 2018 at 16:51:07 GMT+9
Subject: Why is special relativity still denied today?
Dear David and list,
We are investigating this question, in an open discussion at https://www.researchgate.net/post/Why_is_special_relativity_still_denied_today
Without special relativity, there is no electromagnetism, there is no magnetic field. No light, radio, TV, laser, ICs, Internet, MRI.
Maxwell's equations in electromagnetism were already covariant with special relativity in 1865, before Einstein was even born in 1879.
Conversely, special relativity confirms electromagnetism, easily.
These are mathematical facts, objective to any observer, and follow experimental facts, denied by none: a magnetic field exists, it is real, and is predictive of effects.
This is also a two-way proof, no matter where one starts from, electromagnetism or special relativity, the same result is obtained: the magnetic field exists.
Hence, light exists as a consequence. The very existence of light, that everyone can see, therefore also proves that special relativity is true, undeniable, existing since the Big-Bang, 13.772 billion years ago to the end of mass, the foreseeable end of this universe.
Other consequences are that the electric and magnetic fields are not independent, and they must have the same unit (and that is why physicists reject the MKS and the old UK Imperial System, but accept CGS or so-called natural units of Max Planck and others).
Special relativity is, thus, at the basis of these decisions, in the very fabric of physics, even when the center-of-mass does not move relative to you, it is at stand still, as in a permanent magnet bar in your hand, in your office, on Earth. Macroscopically at rest, but not microscopically...
But not physics -- the old philosophical principle wins, Know Thyself. Your own body obeys special relativity, and that affects your MRI (magnetic resonance imaging).
Why, then, is special relativity still denied today, in 2018, even by educated people, and misused?
Ed Gerck
-------------------------------------------Subject: Why is special relativity still denied today?
Dear David and list,
We are investigating this question, in an open discussion at https://www.researchgate.net/post/Why_is_special_relativity_still_denied_today
Without special relativity, there is no electromagnetism, there is no magnetic field. No light, radio, TV, laser, ICs, Internet, MRI.
Maxwell's equations in electromagnetism were already covariant with special relativity in 1865, before Einstein was even born in 1879.
Conversely, special relativity confirms electromagnetism, easily.
These are mathematical facts, objective to any observer, and follow experimental facts, denied by none: a magnetic field exists, it is real, and is predictive of effects.
This is also a two-way proof, no matter where one starts from, electromagnetism or special relativity, the same result is obtained: the magnetic field exists.
Hence, light exists as a consequence. The very existence of light, that everyone can see, therefore also proves that special relativity is true, undeniable, existing since the Big-Bang, 13.772 billion years ago to the end of mass, the foreseeable end of this universe.
Other consequences are that the electric and magnetic fields are not independent, and they must have the same unit (and that is why physicists reject the MKS and the old UK Imperial System, but accept CGS or so-called natural units of Max Planck and others).
Special relativity is, thus, at the basis of these decisions, in the very fabric of physics, even when the center-of-mass does not move relative to you, it is at stand still, as in a permanent magnet bar in your hand, in your office, on Earth. Macroscopically at rest, but not microscopically...
But not physics -- the old philosophical principle wins, Know Thyself. Your own body obeys special relativity, and that affects your MRI (magnetic resonance imaging).
Why, then, is special relativity still denied today, in 2018, even by educated people, and misused?
Ed Gerck
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