[IP] Apple Watch's new auto-911 calls after falls may tumble into legal trouble
Dave Farber
2018-09-29 19:16:24 UTC
Sounds to me no different then many of the personal alarm gadgets that have been around for years djf
Date: September 30, 2018 at 3:42:17 AM GMT+9
Subject: [ NNSquad ] Apple Watch's new auto-911 calls after falls may tumble into legal trouble
Apple Watch's new auto-911 calls after falls may tumble into legal trouble
The (mostly) opt-in nature of the service may mitigate but not
completely assuage concerns raised by some lawyers in the
immediate aftermath of the September 12 announcement of the
watch. Elizabeth Joh, a law professor at the University of
California, Davis, was quick to point out that, by inviting
the police into your home, Apple Watch wearers may be opening
themselves up to criminal liability.
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Dave Farber
2018-09-29 20:10:56 UTC
Yup djf
Date: September 30, 2018 at 3:42:17 AM GMT+9
Subject: [ NNSquad ] Apple Watch's new auto-911 calls after falls may tumble into legal trouble
Apple Watch's new auto-911 calls after falls may tumble into legal trouble
The (mostly) opt-in nature of the service may mitigate but not
completely assuage concerns raised by some lawyers in the
immediate aftermath of the September 12 announcement of the
watch. Elizabeth Joh, a law professor at the University of
California, Davis, was quick to point out that, by inviting
the police into your home, Apple Watch wearers may be opening
themselves up to criminal liability.
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