[IP] California Supreme Court recognizes Section 230 immunity for Yelp -- by only a four to three margin
Dave Farber
2018-07-03 01:44:18 UTC
Date: July 3, 2018 at 6:28:30 AM GMT+9
Subject: California Supreme Court recognizes Section 230 immunity for Yelp -- by only a four to three margin
The California Supreme Court issued its long-awaited ruling in Hassell v. Bird, holding that Yelp could not be subjected to an injunction compelling it to aid the plaintiff in a defamation suit by removing reviews that a California trial court had found defamatory, after the Yelp user in question failed to appear to defend against the litigation. But Yelp’s margin of victory – four to three – was barely sufficient, and the opinions suggest that there may yet be actions that the plaintiff may be able to take to force the review offline
My first thoughts: http://pubcit.typepad.com/clpblog/2018/07/california-supreme-court-reverses-order-compelling-yelp-to-comply-with-order-compelling-user-to-remo.html
Paul Alan Levy
Public Citizen Litigation Group
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Washington, D.C. 20009
(202) 588-7725
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