Dave Farber
2018-09-23 19:01:38 UTC
Date: September 24, 2018 at 2:46:34 AM GMT+9
Subject: [ NNSquad ] Low pay, poor prospects, and psychological toll: The perils of microtask work
Low pay, poor prospects, and psychological toll: The perils of microtask work
But a new study (PDF) from the United Nations' International
Labor Organization (ILO) questions whether these platforms are
as good for society as the Silicon Valley investors and
digital evangelists claim. The ILO surveyed 3,500 people
across 75 countries who worked for Mechanical Turk, as well as
Crowdflower, Clickworker, Prolific, and Microworker. The work
on these platforms is often menial and tedious, and the survey
found that workers get paid startlingly little on all five
platforms, especially when unpaid work is taken into account.
The survey counted unpaid work as "time spent looking for
tasks, earning qualifications, researching requesters through
online forums, communicating with requesters or clients and
leaving reviews, as well as unpaid/rejected tasks/tasks
ultimately not submitted." In the US, accounting for all paid
and unpaid work, Mechanical Turk workers made just $6.54 per
hour on average, with a median of $5.63 per hour. That's
significantly lower than the minimum wage in most states, and
lower than the federal minimum wage of $7.25 per hour.
-------------------------------------------Subject: [ NNSquad ] Low pay, poor prospects, and psychological toll: The perils of microtask work
Low pay, poor prospects, and psychological toll: The perils of microtask work
But a new study (PDF) from the United Nations' International
Labor Organization (ILO) questions whether these platforms are
as good for society as the Silicon Valley investors and
digital evangelists claim. The ILO surveyed 3,500 people
across 75 countries who worked for Mechanical Turk, as well as
Crowdflower, Clickworker, Prolific, and Microworker. The work
on these platforms is often menial and tedious, and the survey
found that workers get paid startlingly little on all five
platforms, especially when unpaid work is taken into account.
The survey counted unpaid work as "time spent looking for
tasks, earning qualifications, researching requesters through
online forums, communicating with requesters or clients and
leaving reviews, as well as unpaid/rejected tasks/tasks
ultimately not submitted." In the US, accounting for all paid
and unpaid work, Mechanical Turk workers made just $6.54 per
hour on average, with a median of $5.63 per hour. That's
significantly lower than the minimum wage in most states, and
lower than the federal minimum wage of $7.25 per hour.
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