[IP] Supporting Illegal Immigration of Children, while Ignoring the Killing of Children with Drones, Bombers, and Special Forces
Dave Farber
2018-07-19 00:58:31 UTC
Subject: Supporting Illegal Immigration of Children, while Ignoring the Killing of Children with Drones, Bombers, and Special Forces
Date: July 19, 2018 at 9:53:18 AM GMT+9
Here is a blurb about my latest blog, which concerns the role of children in illegal immigration, and the killing of children as a byproduct of our unending wars.
Best regards,

Supporting Illegal Immigration of Children, while Ignoring the Killing of Children with Drones, Bombers, and Special Forces
The mass media displays great sympathy for little children brought here illegally by their parents and then taken into custody. But there is little or no discussion of the consequences to poor Americans of the huge influx of people willing to work very hard for very little. The environmental effects of increased population due to illegal immigration are seldom mentioned. Also virtually ignored is the <i>killing</i> of many thousands of children in the Middle East by American drones, bombers, and special forces.
My effort to explain the situation can be found at http://www1.cs.columbia.edu/~unger/articles/killingChildren.html <http://www1.cs.columbia.edu/~unger/articles/killingChildren.html>
Stephen H. Unger
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