Dave Farber
2018-07-12 22:28:23 UTC
Date: July 13, 2018 at 06:50:00 GMT+9
Subject: DARPA: proposers day for "Resilient Anonymous Communication for Everyone (RACE)"
In a nutshell, how about a distributed, secure and anonymous communication system? Anybody? (At complete odds, of course, with the law enforcement communications access concerns coming out of other agencies,but resonating with what might remain of the Internet Freedom program at State.)
Proposers day to be held in... 12 days, in the DC area. Because [see numerous previous rants of mine about DARPA/federal agency looming deadlines].
Ross Stapleton-Gray, Ph.D.
Stapleton-Gray & Associates, Inc.
Albany, CA
-------------------------------------------Subject: DARPA: proposers day for "Resilient Anonymous Communication for Everyone (RACE)"
In a nutshell, how about a distributed, secure and anonymous communication system? Anybody? (At complete odds, of course, with the law enforcement communications access concerns coming out of other agencies,but resonating with what might remain of the Internet Freedom program at State.)
Proposers day to be held in... 12 days, in the DC area. Because [see numerous previous rants of mine about DARPA/federal agency looming deadlines].
The RACE program will research technologies for a distributed messaging system that a) can exist completely within a given network, b) provides confidentiality, integrity, and availability of messaging, and c) preserves privacy to any participant in the system. Compromised system data and associated networked communications should not be helpful to compromise any additional parts of the system.
RACE advances will be based on rigorous security arguments, such as those found in the academic cryptography community or statistical arguments based on realistic simulations. RACE will create advances in communication protocol encapsulation methods as well as efficient, oblivious, distributed system tasking, possibly via secure multiparty computation, to build a system that cannot be compromised even with limited participant compromises and large-scale, real-time deep packet inspection. Approaches to preserving privacy are of interest, such as ubiquitous encryption, even during computation, and obfuscating communication protocols.
RossThe RACE program will research technologies for a distributed messaging system that a) can exist completely within a given network, b) provides confidentiality, integrity, and availability of messaging, and c) preserves privacy to any participant in the system. Compromised system data and associated networked communications should not be helpful to compromise any additional parts of the system.
RACE advances will be based on rigorous security arguments, such as those found in the academic cryptography community or statistical arguments based on realistic simulations. RACE will create advances in communication protocol encapsulation methods as well as efficient, oblivious, distributed system tasking, possibly via secure multiparty computation, to build a system that cannot be compromised even with limited participant compromises and large-scale, real-time deep packet inspection. Approaches to preserving privacy are of interest, such as ubiquitous encryption, even during computation, and obfuscating communication protocols.
Ross Stapleton-Gray, Ph.D.
Stapleton-Gray & Associates, Inc.
Albany, CA
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