Dave Farber
2018-10-10 04:11:25 UTC
Subject: Re: [IP] Sci-Fi and Innovation
Date: October 10, 2018 13:06:52 JST
A message to Mr. Thiel: You want innovation? You first.
Can we please instead listen to advice from someone who actually innovates*?
*donât get me wrong. I think itâs great he is helping use his economic expertise to help others who innovate, but I donât see his track record as reason to hear his opinions on innovation.
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-------------------------------------------Date: October 10, 2018 13:06:52 JST
As billionaire vampire Peter Thiel put it, âWe wanted flying cars, instead we got 140 characters.â
And we wanted an end to income imbalance, instead we got PayPal.A message to Mr. Thiel: You want innovation? You first.
Can we please instead listen to advice from someone who actually innovates*?
*donât get me wrong. I think itâs great he is helping use his economic expertise to help others who innovate, but I donât see his track record as reason to hear his opinions on innovation.
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