[IP] China Creating Gene-Edited Babies
Dave Farber
2018-11-26 02:27:07 UTC
Date: November 26, 2018 11:23:50 JST
Subject: IS: China Creating Gene-Edited Babies
Rewriting Life
EXCLUSIVE: Chinese scientists are creating CRISPR babies
A daring effort is underway to create the first children whose DNA has been tailored using gene-editing.
MIT https://www.TechnologyReview.com/s/612458/exclusive-chinese-scientists-are-creating-crispr-babies/
When Chinese researchers first edited the genes of a human embryo in a lab dish in 2015, it sparked global outcry and pleas from scientists not to make a baby using the technology, at least for the present.
It was the invention of a powerful gene editing tool, CRISPR, which is cheap and easy to deploy, that made the birth of humans genetically modified in an in-vitro fertilization (IVF) center a theoretical possibility.
Now, it appears it may already be happening.
According to Chinese medical documents posted online this month (here and here), a team at the Southern University of Science and Technology, in Shenzhen, has been recruiting couples in an effort to create the first gene-edited babies. They planned to eliminate a gene called CCR5 in order to render the offspring resistant to HIV, smallpox, and cholera.
The clinical trial documents describe a study to employ CRISPR to modify human embryos, then to transfer them into the uterus of mothers and deliver healthy children...
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