[IP] Fwre FCC tells court it has no “legal authority” to impose net neutrality rules
Dave Farber
2018-10-13 23:47:26 UTC
Date: October 13, 2018 at 11:44:44 PM GMT+9
Subject: FCC tells court it has no “legal authority” to impose net neutrality rules
- if DNS makes broadband ’not telecommunications’, why doesn’t 411 directory service do the same for telephony?
- if the FCC has no jurisdiction on federal broadband, why does it think *it* can block states (such as CA) from passing their own broadband regulations (which CA just did)?
Irony impaired indeed.
FCC tells court it has no “legal authority” to impose net neutrality rules
FCC defends repeal in court, claims broadband isn't "telecommunications."
JON BRODKIN - 10/12/2018, 10:22 AM
The Federal Communications Commission opened its defense of its net neutrality repeal yesterday, telling a court that it has no authority to keep the net neutrality rules in place.
Chairman Ajit Pai's FCC argued that broadband is not a "telecommunications service" as defined in federal law, and therefore it must be classified as an information service instead. As an information service, broadband cannot be subject to common carrier regulations such as net neutrality rules, Pai's FCC said. The FCC is only allowed to impose common carrier regulations on telecommunications services.
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