[IP] AT&T and NSA Have Built a “Spy-Web”
Dave Farber
2018-07-19 03:00:39 UTC
Date: July 19, 2018 at 11:43:31 GMT+9
Subject: AT&T and NSA Have Built a “Spy-Web”
Prof Farber,
[for IP, should you so deem]
Article can be found at https://spyadvice.com/att-nsa-have-built-spy-web/
My thoughts on this. On one hand, I recognize the need to keep us safe
from Johnny Foreigner (or Mohammed Foreigner). On the other, I am also
aware of the ease by which Hasan Diwan can be mistaken for said
Mohamed Foreigner.
I was in London in 2003, and the US security at Heathrow had a laugh
when they suggested that instead of returning to SFO for work, whether
I'd be willing to extend my vacation -- in Cuba. I didn't inquire
further, but I assumed they meant Guantanamo Bay.
Further, I highly doubt that I would have been joked with in such a
manner had my name been Alan Smith, rather than Hasan Diwan. -- H
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