Dave Farber
2018-10-10 03:41:05 UTC
Date: October 10, 2018 12:37:53 JST
Subject: quatum computing online course (3rd run)
The third run of our quantum computing online course (MOOC) is open now, up and running. It is free, and will be open until around the end of the year.
Youâve all been hearing about quantum computing for years, but in the last two years there has been a huge spike in activity, including 75 or more startups and big projects starting in US, Japan, and especially EU and China. Interested in learning what all the fuss it about? Join our course and find out!
The course consists of about 100 steps, each intended to be about 10-15 minutes, a total of about 20 hours: the amount of time it would take you to read two popular science books on the topic. The material consists of short articles, videos, demonstration applications in JavaScript, discussion boards (which we monitor and reply to), and quizzes.
The only math you will need is the ability to add two vectors, and a basic understanding of probability.
See you online!
-------------------------------------------Subject: quatum computing online course (3rd run)
The third run of our quantum computing online course (MOOC) is open now, up and running. It is free, and will be open until around the end of the year.
Youâve all been hearing about quantum computing for years, but in the last two years there has been a huge spike in activity, including 75 or more startups and big projects starting in US, Japan, and especially EU and China. Interested in learning what all the fuss it about? Join our course and find out!
The course consists of about 100 steps, each intended to be about 10-15 minutes, a total of about 20 hours: the amount of time it would take you to read two popular science books on the topic. The material consists of short articles, videos, demonstration applications in JavaScript, discussion boards (which we monitor and reply to), and quizzes.
The only math you will need is the ability to add two vectors, and a basic understanding of probability.
See you online!
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