Dave Farber
2018-07-18 01:32:23 UTC
https://www.theverge.com/2018/7/17/17582152/facebook-channel-4-undercover-investigation-content-moderation <https://www.theverge.com/2018/7/17/17582152/facebook-channel-4-undercover-investigation-content-moderation>
An investigative journalist who went undercover as a Facebook moderator in the UK says the company lets pages from far-right fringe groups âexceed deletion threshold,â and that those pages are âsubject to different treatment in the same category as pages belonging to governments and news organizations.â The accusation is a damning one, undermining Facebookâs claims <https://www.theverge.com/2018/4/25/17280902/facebook-ad-about-spam-fake-news-data-misuse> that it is actively trying to cut down on fake news, propaganda, hate speech, and other harmful content that may have significant real-world impact.The undercover journalist detailed his findings in a new documentary titled Inside Facebook: Secrets of the Social Network, that just aired on the UKâs Channel 4. The investigation outlines questionable practices on behalf of CPL Resources <http://www.channel4.com/info/press/news/dispatches-investigation-reveals-how-facebook-moderates-content>, a third-party content moderator firm based in Dublin, Ireland that Facebook has worked with since 2010.
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