Dave Farber
2018-10-06 00:54:58 UTC
Date: October 6, 2018 at 6:00:32 AM GMT+9
Subject: [ NNSquad ] [No] Introducing the Internet Bill of Rights
[No] Introducing the Internet Bill of Rights
In an interview with me this week, Nancy Pelosi even suggested
that a new agency could be created to manage tech's growing
impact. "Something needs to be done," she told me, to "protect
the privacy of the American people" and "come up with
overarching values" -- a set of principles that everyone can
agree on and adhere to. Call it a Bill of Rights for the
- - -
One thing that's guaranteed worse than these companies regulating
themselves is their being regulated by self-serving politicians of ANY
party. As the saying goes, the road to Internet Hell is paved with
good intentions. Just say no.
Lauren's Blog: https://lauren.vortex.com
Google Issues Mailing List: https://vortex.com/google-issues
Founder: Network Neutrality Squad: https://www.nnsquad.org
PRIVACY Forum: https://www.vortex.com/privacy-info
Co-Founder: People For Internet Responsibility: https://www.pfir.org/pfir-info
Member: ACM Committee on Computers and Public Policy
Google+: https://google.com/+LaurenWeinstein
Twitter: https://twitter.com/laurenweinstein
Tel: +1 (818) 225-2800
nnsquad mailing list
-------------------------------------------Subject: [ NNSquad ] [No] Introducing the Internet Bill of Rights
[No] Introducing the Internet Bill of Rights
In an interview with me this week, Nancy Pelosi even suggested
that a new agency could be created to manage tech's growing
impact. "Something needs to be done," she told me, to "protect
the privacy of the American people" and "come up with
overarching values" -- a set of principles that everyone can
agree on and adhere to. Call it a Bill of Rights for the
- - -
One thing that's guaranteed worse than these companies regulating
themselves is their being regulated by self-serving politicians of ANY
party. As the saying goes, the road to Internet Hell is paved with
good intentions. Just say no.
Lauren's Blog: https://lauren.vortex.com
Google Issues Mailing List: https://vortex.com/google-issues
Founder: Network Neutrality Squad: https://www.nnsquad.org
PRIVACY Forum: https://www.vortex.com/privacy-info
Co-Founder: People For Internet Responsibility: https://www.pfir.org/pfir-info
Member: ACM Committee on Computers and Public Policy
Google+: https://google.com/+LaurenWeinstein
Twitter: https://twitter.com/laurenweinstein
Tel: +1 (818) 225-2800
nnsquad mailing list
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