[IP] Re Poking the IP bear
Dave Farber
2018-05-25 17:56:50 UTC
Date: May 25, 2018 at 11:32:15 AM EDT
Subject: Re: [IP] Poking the IP bear
Since Mr. Lessig calls me out specifically in the article mentioned in the subject line, I'd like to offer a response written not by me, but by Dr. David C. Lowery - a singer/songwriter with several platinum records - as a demonstration that I am far from the only person who has observed many apparent improprieties in Dr. Lessig's activities over the years.
--Brett Glass
Poker the Bear: The Sad Unraveling of Lawrence Lessig
Harvard Professor and author of copyright skeptical tomes like “In Defense of Piracy” and “Free Culture” defends himself from accusations of shillery. Lowery digs deep and discovers there is a lot more to this story than meets the eye.
by David C. Lowery
This story is of particular importance to artists because Google’s support of ad supported piracy (MegaUpload) and YouTube’s “whac-a-mole” takedown policy have been a financial disaster for artists. Much of the the intellectual arguments (some would say propaganda) in defense of Google’s practices arise from the work Lessig has done at Harvard, Stanford’s Center for Internet and Society and Creative Commons. Whether artists know it or not Lawrence Lessig has shaped, if not defined the debate over artists rights and the internet.
Lawrence Lessig has posted a long Medium post defending himself against claims made by Jonathan Taplin (and others myself included) that he has effectively acted as a “shill” for Google and other Silicon Valley interests. Don’t get me wrong, I think it is great that Lessig has finally responded to accusations that his research, litigation and advocacy seems to benefit Google while at the same time the institutions with which Lessig is associated receive substantial money from Google and other Silicon Valley interests. The world is a complicated place. No one can ever avoid every appearance of impropriety. And to be clear I am not accusing Lessig of actual impropriety. The problem is Lessig has not been forthright (as I shall demonstrate) in his answers. Lessig is less than candid about the breadth of the funding, and continually downplays the importance of his work to Google and others who exploit artists. But most importantly by defensively denying that there is even an appearance of impropriety, he raises more questions than he answers. The esteemed professor, his work, his finances and foundations deserves a thorough examination.
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