Dave Farber
2018-06-06 17:03:56 UTC
Date: June 6, 2018 at 11:25:32 EDT
Subject: NTIA: Should the IANA Stewardship Transition be "unwound?"
The US NTIA (National Telecommunications and Information Administration)
has published an inquiry as to whether its transfer of stewardship of
IANA to ICANN in 2016 should be "unwound." They are requesting comments
from interested parties to be sent to them by early July.
"The US government has formally asked whether it should reassert
its control of the internet's administrative functions, effectively
reversing a handover to non-profit organization ICANN two years ago."
- Brian
-------------------------------------------Subject: NTIA: Should the IANA Stewardship Transition be "unwound?"
The US NTIA (National Telecommunications and Information Administration)
has published an inquiry as to whether its transfer of stewardship of
IANA to ICANN in 2016 should be "unwound." They are requesting comments
from interested parties to be sent to them by early July.
"The US government has formally asked whether it should reassert
its control of the internet's administrative functions, effectively
reversing a handover to non-profit organization ICANN two years ago."
- Brian
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