Dave Farber
2018-12-02 07:19:25 UTC
Date: December 2, 2018 at 4:08:47 PM GMT+9
Subject: [EE CS Colloq] Leela: a Semantic Intelligent Agent * 4:30PM, Wed December 5, 2018 in Gates B03
Stanford EE Computer Systems Colloquium
4:30 PM, Wednesday, December 5, 2018
NEC Auditorium, Gates Computer Science Building Room B3
Leela: a Semantic Intelligent Agent
David Henkel-Wallace
Leela is a semantic artificially intelligent agent modeled on the theories of Jean Piaget. She builds increasingly abstract semantic models of the world from her experiences of exploration, play, and experimentation. As an agent she is able to formulate, execute, and explain her own plans.
This talk will provide an introduction to Leela's background and design and will show her in action.
About the Speaker
David Henkel-Wallace is a founder of Leela.ai, an AI research company building general semantic AI agents. His 25 year career as a technical company founder in Silicon Valley has spanned software, pharmaceuticals, and power generation. Prior to becoming an entrepreneur he was an AI researcher at research labs like Xerox PARC, MCC and the MIT AI Lab.` He is a graduate of MIT.
DV Henkel-Wallace
See the Colloquium website, http://ee380.stanford.edu, for scheduled speakers, FAQ, and additional information. Stanford and SCPD students can enroll in EE380 for one unit of credit. Anyone is welcome to attend; talks are webcast live and archived for on-demand viewing over the web.
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-------------------------------------------Subject: [EE CS Colloq] Leela: a Semantic Intelligent Agent * 4:30PM, Wed December 5, 2018 in Gates B03
Stanford EE Computer Systems Colloquium
4:30 PM, Wednesday, December 5, 2018
NEC Auditorium, Gates Computer Science Building Room B3
Leela: a Semantic Intelligent Agent
David Henkel-Wallace
Leela is a semantic artificially intelligent agent modeled on the theories of Jean Piaget. She builds increasingly abstract semantic models of the world from her experiences of exploration, play, and experimentation. As an agent she is able to formulate, execute, and explain her own plans.
This talk will provide an introduction to Leela's background and design and will show her in action.
About the Speaker
David Henkel-Wallace is a founder of Leela.ai, an AI research company building general semantic AI agents. His 25 year career as a technical company founder in Silicon Valley has spanned software, pharmaceuticals, and power generation. Prior to becoming an entrepreneur he was an AI researcher at research labs like Xerox PARC, MCC and the MIT AI Lab.` He is a graduate of MIT.
DV Henkel-Wallace
See the Colloquium website, http://ee380.stanford.edu, for scheduled speakers, FAQ, and additional information. Stanford and SCPD students can enroll in EE380 for one unit of credit. Anyone is welcome to attend; talks are webcast live and archived for on-demand viewing over the web.
This announcement is sent to multiple mailing lists. If you are signed up on our private EE380 list you can remove yourself using the widget at the upper left hand corner of the Colloquium web page. Other lists have other management protocols.
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