Dave Farber
2018-06-21 06:40:47 UTC
Date: June 21, 2018 at 15:25:20 GMT+9
Subject: Re: [IP] The joy of trying to deal with Amazon Japan
Considering that Apple in its proprietary divine wisdom dropped support for 3rd party USB FAX modems
two or so OS versions ago, unlike (I am reliably unreformed) Windows10, is it any wonder that medical
folks are flocking away from the Mac as a reliable platform?
-------------------------------------------Subject: Re: [IP] The joy of trying to deal with Amazon Japan
Considering that Apple in its proprietary divine wisdom dropped support for 3rd party USB FAX modems
two or so OS versions ago, unlike (I am reliably unreformed) Windows10, is it any wonder that medical
folks are flocking away from the Mac as a reliable platform?
I love those send a secure fax. You got to be kidding. Iâm overseas how do they expect me to get a statement considering that my billing is electronic is there anybody out there that knows some sane people at Amazon
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