Dave Farber
2018-05-29 20:16:27 UTC
Date: May 29, 2018 at 1:52:19 PM EDT
Subject: Fwd: [Impulso] Fwd: [URGENT] Seeking endorsement for WHO Cannabis contribution.
Something of interest to IT readers. WHO is having a special meeting on marijuana/cannabis to find a way to make harsh international/national laws against marijuana more consistent with the growing legalization around the world. I think the word is "Double Standards" :-)
A group of NGOs are submitted a report on how to make the revisions fairer. The rough draft is an interesting document to read (attached below).
Interestingly, today's New York Times has a lengthy article on how Purdue Pharma knew that its Oxycontin was being abused by addicts, but still promoted the drug benignly. Article at: https://www.nytimes.com/2018/05/29/health/purdue-opioids-oxycontin.html. I still say that the difference between illegal drug traffickers and legal drug companies is the number of lawyers and number of patents they have. Marijuana is going from illegal to legal because it is making more use of lawyers and patents.
Greg Aharonian
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Tue, May 29, 2018 at 1:40 PM
Subject: Fwd: [URGENT] Seeking endorsement for WHO Cannabis contribution.
Dear colleagues,
The WHO convenes next week a special Expert Committee meeting to discuss international scheduling of Cannabis.
Attached is the advanced edited draft for endorsement of NGOs, of a joint civil society contribution that underlines some severe errors and bias in the process. Minor changes might appear in the final version, which will in no way modify the content.
Endorsements are sought before Wednesday 30th May, 6:00 pm Geneva time (CET).
Please, circulate among colleagues that you know might be interested in endorsing this statement.
Thank you!
Have a great day,
0033 751 350 234
Skype : farid3h
@farid3h @ProCannabisTeam
-------------------------------------------Subject: Fwd: [Impulso] Fwd: [URGENT] Seeking endorsement for WHO Cannabis contribution.
Something of interest to IT readers. WHO is having a special meeting on marijuana/cannabis to find a way to make harsh international/national laws against marijuana more consistent with the growing legalization around the world. I think the word is "Double Standards" :-)
A group of NGOs are submitted a report on how to make the revisions fairer. The rough draft is an interesting document to read (attached below).
Interestingly, today's New York Times has a lengthy article on how Purdue Pharma knew that its Oxycontin was being abused by addicts, but still promoted the drug benignly. Article at: https://www.nytimes.com/2018/05/29/health/purdue-opioids-oxycontin.html. I still say that the difference between illegal drug traffickers and legal drug companies is the number of lawyers and number of patents they have. Marijuana is going from illegal to legal because it is making more use of lawyers and patents.
Greg Aharonian
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Tue, May 29, 2018 at 1:40 PM
Subject: Fwd: [URGENT] Seeking endorsement for WHO Cannabis contribution.
Dear colleagues,
The WHO convenes next week a special Expert Committee meeting to discuss international scheduling of Cannabis.
Attached is the advanced edited draft for endorsement of NGOs, of a joint civil society contribution that underlines some severe errors and bias in the process. Minor changes might appear in the final version, which will in no way modify the content.
Endorsements are sought before Wednesday 30th May, 6:00 pm Geneva time (CET).
Please, circulate among colleagues that you know might be interested in endorsing this statement.
Thank you!
Have a great day,
0033 751 350 234
Skype : farid3h
@farid3h @ProCannabisTeam
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