[IP] Declaration of Internet Rights (Italian Parliament)
Dave Farber
2018-10-07 08:25:47 UTC
Date: October 6, 2018 21:23:49 JST
Subject: Declaration of Internet Rights (Italian Parliament)
Dear Dr. Farber,
Three years ago the Italian Parliament issued a Declaration
of Internet Rights that was the result of one year of work by a
study commission (half MPs, half experts - I was one of the latter),
extensive hearings and a major public consultation.
In November 2015 the Declaration was presented at
the Internet Governance Forum in Brazil and since then
it has been referenced by several other initiatives, including
by acts of the European Parliament.
Since I believe that the Declaration is still very relevant today,
it may provide some food for thought for current discussions.
Many thanks,
greetings from Cambridge (MA),
juan carlos de martin
prof. juan carlos de martin
nexa center for internet & society / faculty co-director
politecnico di torino - italy
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