[IP] Google's Doors Hacked Wide Open By Own Employee
Dave Farber
2018-09-07 13:20:52 UTC
Date: September 7, 2018 at 08:37:42 EDT
Subject: Google's Doors Hacked Wide Open By Own Employee
Dr. Farber-
(For IP)
Google's Doors Hacked Wide Open By Own Employee
Last July, in Google’s Sunnyvale offices, a hacker found a way to
trick doors into opening without the requisite RFID keycard. Luckily
for Google, it was David Tomaschik, an employee at the tech giant, who
only had good intentions.
When he sent his malicious code across the Google network, he saw the
lights turn from red to green on the door to his office. Then came the
satisfying thunk as the lock opened. It was the culmination of work in
which Tomaschik had uncovered vulnerabilities in technology made by
Software House, the creator of the office controllers managing the
physical security of the California site.
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