[IP] Google: Proposing a framework for data protection legislation
Dave Farber
2018-09-25 01:11:15 UTC
Subject: [ NNSquad ] Google: Proposing a framework for data protection legislation
Date: September 25, 2018 8:30:00 JST
Google: Proposing a framework for data protection legislation
Today, we're sharing our view on the requirements, scope, and
enforcement expectations that should be reflected in all
responsible data protection laws. This framework is based on
established privacy frameworks, as well as our experience
providing services that rely on personal data and our work to
comply with evolving data protection laws around the world.
These principles help us evaluate new legislative proposals
and advocate for responsible, interoperable and adaptable data
protection regulations. How these principles are put into
practice will shape the nature and direction of innovation.
You can find more detail in this PDF ...
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