Dave Farber
2018-08-31 10:51:21 UTC
Date: August 31, 2018 at 01:51:31 EDT
Subject: (for IP?) Hearing on the draft & draft registration, Thurs., 9/20 in LA
The "National Commission on Military, National and Public Service" has
announced that the final event in its year-long series of "informal"
open-mike public hearings on whether registration for a military draft
should be ended or extended will be at Cal State University, Los Angeles,
Thursday, September 20, 2018
3:00 PM â 5:00 PM PDT
California State University Los Angeles
Golden Eagle Ballroom 1 & 2
5151 State University Drive
Los Angeles, CA 90032
Following presentations by an invited panel, members of the public will
get 2 minutes each to testify. This will probably be framed as an
opportunity to ask questions of the panel, but members of the public can
testify on any of the issues the Commission has been appointed to study.
The Commission was appointed by the President and Congress to study and
report on the draft, compulsory national service, and "the feasibility...
of modifying the military selective service process in order to obtain for
military, national, and public service individuals with skills (such as
medical, dental, and nursing skills, language skills, cyber skills, and
science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) skills) for which
the Nation has a critical need, without regard to age or sex."
It's especially important for the Commission to hear from people of draft
age, women, health care workers, and people with others of these skills.
Background on this Commission and why it is holding these hearings,
including information about earlier meetings of the Commission released in
Longer written submissions can be sent to
05-2018-0" in the subject line of the e-mail message.
Edward Hasbrouck
Edward Hasbrouck
-------------------------------------------Subject: (for IP?) Hearing on the draft & draft registration, Thurs., 9/20 in LA
The "National Commission on Military, National and Public Service" has
announced that the final event in its year-long series of "informal"
open-mike public hearings on whether registration for a military draft
should be ended or extended will be at Cal State University, Los Angeles,
Thursday, September 20, 2018
3:00 PM â 5:00 PM PDT
California State University Los Angeles
Golden Eagle Ballroom 1 & 2
5151 State University Drive
Los Angeles, CA 90032
Following presentations by an invited panel, members of the public will
get 2 minutes each to testify. This will probably be framed as an
opportunity to ask questions of the panel, but members of the public can
testify on any of the issues the Commission has been appointed to study.
The Commission was appointed by the President and Congress to study and
report on the draft, compulsory national service, and "the feasibility...
of modifying the military selective service process in order to obtain for
military, national, and public service individuals with skills (such as
medical, dental, and nursing skills, language skills, cyber skills, and
science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) skills) for which
the Nation has a critical need, without regard to age or sex."
It's especially important for the Commission to hear from people of draft
age, women, health care workers, and people with others of these skills.
Background on this Commission and why it is holding these hearings,
including information about earlier meetings of the Commission released in
Longer written submissions can be sent to
05-2018-0" in the subject line of the e-mail message.
Edward Hasbrouck
Edward Hasbrouck
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